The PhpAudit Program

The PhpAudit program is a Symphony console application with four additional commands:

  • alter-audit-table
  • audit
  • diff
  • drop-triggers

We discuss the additional commands in the sections below.

Some commands provide additional output when in verbose mode (-v). All commands show the queries been executed in very verbose mode (-vv).


The alter-audit-table command

The alter-audit-table command generates SQL statements to align the tables in the audit schema with the tables in the data schema and the additional columns section in the audit config file, see The Audit Columns Section.

./vendor/bin/audit alter-audit-table etc/audit.json


alter table `test_audit`.`FOO_EMPLOYEE`
change column `emp_name` `emp_name` varchar(80) character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci null

You must inspect each SQL statement manually before executing. See Changed Column Type for an explanation about incompatible column types.

The audit command

The audit command creates and alters audit tables (in the audit schema and audit triggers on tables in the data schema.

Usage of the audit command is discussed ind detail in Getting Started and Schema Changes and Deployment.

The diff command

The diff command show in a graphical manner the differences between the tables in the audit schema with the tables in the data schema and the additional columns section in the audit config file, see The Audit Columns Section.

Without the --full option only tables with differences and only different columns are shown. With the --full option all tables and all columns are shown.


The drop-triggers command

The drop-triggers command will drop all triggers in the data schema.
